Image 1 of Blauer orange puffer jacket

Blauer Puffer Jacket
Image 1 of Giorgio Armani elasticated-waist denim trousers
Giorgio Armani Denim

Image 1 of Nike Air Jordan print t-shirt
Air Jordan Shirt
Image 2 of Timberland chunky lace-up boots
Timberland Chunky Boots

What is the Drake Steal His Look Meme based on?

Drakeposting is a popular meme in which two screen shots from Drake’s “Hotline Bling ” music video are used to express a preference for one thing over another. Drake moving his head away from a nearby picture or text with his palm outstretched, as if rejecting the image outright, would be the top image. Drake, in the bottom image, is staring at another neighboring image or text with a satisfied expression on his face as he gestures to it. The suggestion is that he (or the one who posted the entire image) favors the bottom over the top.-Meming Wiki

How to make a Drake Hotline Bling Costume

It’s a fairly mainstream look, with most items available on Amazon, and you don’t need to spend a ton of money to make this costume happen. Puffer jacket, timbs or timb style boots, jeans, and an air jordan shirt. Don’t forget to bring a smug look as you inevitably and ironically say no to what’s good for you, but say yes to self-destructive behavior.

Options to buy from Amazon:

Hooded Puffer Jacket

Denim Casual Jeans

Air Jordan Shirt

Timberland Ankle Boots

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One thought on “Steal His Look Drake

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