The Yes Chad aka. The Nordic Gamer

How to make a Yes Chad/Nordic Gamer costume

Hanes Men’s Sweatshirt

Athletic Running Shorts

The great thing about the Yes Chad is that his outfit is simple. You do gotta get ripped though. Does that mean you should get a Bow Flex? No; do it with all body weight, only, to truly be a Chad. Benching is also permitted since there’s no way to lift 400 lbs body weight if you need to.

What is the Yes Chad Steal His Look Meme based on?

Yes Chad is a 4chan meme that began in early August 2019 on Twitter. On Twitter, 4chan, and other online sites, the image has been used as a reaction and exploitation, mainly to degrade people seeking to insult or abuse a person for their personal features or interests. The Yes Chad simply says “Yes,” owning whatever accusation is hurled at him by soyboys, women, and other meme archetypes. [Know your meme]

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One thought on “The Yes Chad aka. The Nordic Gamer

  1. Я восхищен глубиной исследования, которое автор провел для этой статьи. Его тщательный подход к фактам и анализу доказывает, что он настоящий эксперт в своей области. Большое спасибо за такую качественную работу!

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